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Two Are Gathered Leadership Podcast

Jan 24, 2020

Most entrepreneurs struggle from the "Lone Ranger Syndrome" in that they try to carry all of their company's challenges on their own shoulders.

Yet, it doesn't take too long for most business owners to realize this is a recipe for burnout and poor leadership performance. 

Still, you can get yourself in big trouble if...

Jan 13, 2020

One of the most important leadership capabilities an entrepreneur can have is knowing the right times to make changes in their organizations.

Too often, we act too quickly or too slowly.

Skilled, experienced leaders are instinctively strong when it comes knowing exactly when to pull the trigger on decisions large and...

Jan 3, 2020

There is so much that can go wrong in owning a business, and too often it all goes wrong at the same time. Sometimes, all you can do is laugh.

And, this is not a bad thing. That is, if you are using the strategic leadership skill of having a sense of humor.

So often, the entrepreneurial stress can get overwhelming and...